Perfume Is Poison

Perfume is Poison challenges the idea that perfumes, colognes or scented products of any kind make acceptable Christmas gifts. These toxic chemicals damage the health of the wearer and those who must suffer the stench.

Over thirty percent of the population reacts negatively to perfumes and scented products with symptoms as common as headaches, respiratory congestion, joint pain, rashes, depression and irritability. Fifteen percent of the population have been forced to adjust their lifestyles to avoid the poisons in order to live in a world saturated with this toxic stench. Yet the rest of the population buys, wears, and selfishly contaminates the air we must all share without any regard for others. Perfume, cologne and scented products are popular Christmas gifts designed to make the wearer feel good about themselves,

The average person uses 515 toxic chemicals per day. Please stop!

Size: 8 x 5 1/2 inches, bound

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