All I Want for Christmas Is For Dogs to Disappear (or Domestic Terrorism)

All I Want For Christmas Is For Dogs to Disappear or in other words, my Christmas wish is the end to domestic terrorism.

First, there are a lot of dogs on Christmas cards, too many in my opinion. Aside from the cards that feature a dog on the front, I found them in nativity scenes gazing upon the baby Jesus, under Christmas trees staring aimlessly at ornaments, sleeping in the corners of Santa's workshop and running through the snow in village scenes. Designers rightly believe dogs make good sales strategies. Dog ownership is an epidemic. So is mental illness. They go hand in hand.

Second, I don't hate dogs. I've owned many in my lifetime. I love puppies. I could cuddle with puppies all day long. I believe, however, if one owns a dog, the owner need to actually have time for it. It's the inconsiderate, thoughtless, self-centered, bad dog owners I don't care for, or what I like to call...neighbors.

There should be a law against stupid people owning dogs. Bad dog owners seem to be incapable of training or caring for their pets. They leave them alone all day while they go to work or go on vacation. They expect their pets to entertain themselves for hours on end as lawn ornaments. They can't be bothered to provide security or train the poor, neglected, nervous animals to stop barking and instead yell at them which only teaches them to bark louder. I actually had one neighbor who would literally beat his dogs with a broom when they started barking which only provided temporary relief and did nothing to rectify the constant noise. Bad dog owners let their pets roam freely to attack people and wildlife. They allow them to shit all over parks and contaminate beaches too lazy to clean up after them. Leash laws are for a reason yet they go ignored by the entitled who believe they are above the law. Unfortunately, dogs are considered property and have no rights to guarantee their health and safety. Dogs are often blamed for their own bad behavior, however, in truth, they are at the mercy of their ignorant owners who allow them to terrorize what would otherwise be quiet, safe, clean, shit-free, stink-free neighborhoods.

This is my wish. Please Santa, I've been really good this year.

Size: 5 x 7 approximately, bound

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