Better Late Than Never

Better Late Than Never is my hope for the immediate future: a restored democracy and the end of Trumpism with the con-artist and all his minions in prison. Yes, I know, it's a tall order. Santa must have been on vacation for the last five years because I for one, along with all of my friends, have asked for this every Christmas since 2015 and he failed miserably at delivery.

For the last three years instead we've received a government run by a sexist, racist, corrupt, self-serving pathological liar, a Republican Senate that supports everything he does in defiance of the Constitution, children in cages, a rapist for a Supreme Court justice, and a whole lot of white supremacy. Then when we thought things couldn't get any worse we are given a pandemic, rampant unemployment, and a failing economy system. And lies. Lots of lies. More lies. Santa has failed America, but, hey, I'm forgiving! Well, sometimes...I'll give him another chance. He needs to get his butt off of whatever beach he's on and get back to work.

November is around the corner and sane Americans are praying for delivery....this card is my Christmas list, my hope for the future, my prayer to the universe to deliver us from evil.

Size: 5 x 7 inches, bound

front cover


back cover